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For Exhibitors
Scanautomatic is the event that puts the future of industrial digitalisation and automation in focus. On October 18-20 Scanautomatic makes its debut at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre. And one of this year’s main items in the programme is the Electrification of Industry.
Sweden is working hard to become the world’s first fossil-free welfare state. This means a systemic transformation involving changes in entire areas of society, business sectors and industries. The climate issue is one of the most important challenges facing humanity and the transition must be made quickly. In this transformation, we in Sweden have taken on the global leadership role.
Scanautomatic and Electrification of Industry shed light on the challenges and address issues related to ongoing electrification as well as digitalisation. This large chunk in the programme is also influenced by a critical issue, namely the factors that are driving Swedish industry and society to take the lead through the energy transition.
– Electrification is absolutely essential to phase out fossil fuels and reduce the impact on the climate. There are a number of important industrial projects under way to convert to electricity. These must be further developed and implemented at a rapid pace as they are also crucial for Sweden’s future competitiveness, says Annika Persson, Business Development Manager at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre.
Electrification of Industry presents exciting case studies and initiatives that are currently taking place in Sweden. Cross-industry initiatives drawn from the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre’s events will be shown to share inspiration and ideas that can be deployed across Swedish manufacturing industry. During the programme, which takes place on 18 October from 14.30 to 16.30, you can attend case studies and hear speakers from, for example, AI Sweden, the Swedish Energy Agency and Hitachi.
The whole session will end with an in-depth and exciting panel discussion with several of the participants on stage.
“The technological leaps we need to take require research and investment”
There is no doubt that Sweden is at the forefront of electrification and digitalisation. But this development is accompanied by challenges such as continued high dependence on fossil fuels in the transport sector and some industrial sectors.
– End customers and public infrastructure must be able to rely on the availability of sufficient electricity supplies. Technological breakthroughs are essential for electrification to continue to develop. These breakthroughs require solid research work but also investment, Annika says.
Technological breakthroughs are vital and at Electrification of Industry visitors will learn about solutions to the challenges that industry faces – and whatever solutions are on the horizon.
– There will also be concrete proposals for funding instruments from the Swedish Energy Agency, among others, which can help create new knowledge and new solutions. We also see opportunities to use AI in new ways to solve existing challenges that currently have no known solutions, she concludes.
Electrification of Industry is a major programme item during Scanautomatic and addresses case studies and initiatives that are currently under way in Sweden. Scanautomatic will make its debut at the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre on 18-20 October.