The Automation Student Scholarship is awarded by Automation Region for a thesis on a subject involving automation. The competition in 2016 was the seventh of its kind. The prize sum is SEK 20,000 ($ 2,250).
Winning entry, Automation Student Scholarship 2016
The 2016 Automation Student Scholarship prize was awarded to Hanna Lindkvist and Amanda Nilsson, University of Skövde, for their joint thesis “Production Staff in Tomorrow’s Smart Factory”. The award ceremony took place on 4 October at the Scanautomatic and Process Technology trade event in Gothenburg.
Finalists, Automation Student Scholarship 2016
Hanna Lindkvist and Amanda Nilsson, “Production Staff in Tomorrow’s Smart Factory”, University of Skövde,
Jesper Halmsjö and Jonas Fält, “Emulation of a Production Cell”, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.
Anders Dahl and Johan Svensson, “ Concept Study of Universal Test Rig Gearboxes, Linnaeus University, Kalmar & Växjö
From the left: Jesper Halmsjö and Jonas Fält, Chalmers University of Technology; Hanna Lindkvist and Amanda Nilsson, Skövde University; Johan Svensson and Anders Dahl, Linnaeus University.